Myths spread because they sound plausible or sensible, but if you want to keep your energy bills down this summer, you must separate fact from fiction. Apart from increasing your energy bills, some of these myths can even be detrimental to your HVAC system. Understanding common energy efficiency myths can help you to reduce wear and tear on the system in your Dublin, Georgia, home, and even help you to save a few dollars.
Leaving Electronics Running While Not in Use
In the early days of computers, many argued against turning computers on and off too often because of increased wear and tear and power surges. Today, however, modern electronics feature much more sophisticated components, so don’t leave your computer or television on when it’s not in use.
Electronics and appliances continue to draw power even when turned off if they remain plugged in, which means you’re using energy unnecessarily. Additionally, these devices generate heat, requiring your air conditioner to run longer in summer to keep your home comfortable.
Closing Off Unused Rooms
It sounds like a good idea. You only have overnight guests a few times a year, so why not shut the door to your guest room or close the vent inside the room, so you don’t condition an unused space. This myth has circulated for years, but it’s actually detrimental to energy efficiency.
When you close off a room, you restrict airflow, which means your home gets cooled unevenly. Closed vents also put undue stress on your air conditioner’s fan, which also increases energy consumption.
Lowering the Thermostat More Will Cool the House Faster
You return home from vacation to an uncomfortably warm home, so you drop the temperature on the thermostat drastically. Many people believe that a lower temperature will result in faster cooling, but air conditioners cool at the same pace no matter how low you set the temperature. Plus, cranking down the temperature will result in longer AC running times, which means higher bills.
Knowing how your HVAC system works can help you to manage it effectively and efficiently. Now that we’ve dispelled these myths, call Pruett Air Conditioning at 478-374-1481 to discuss your HVAC needs.
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