You don’t need to incur high energy bills to keep your Warner Robins, Georgia, home cozy and warm. You can lower your home energy costs when it’s cold, with a few no-cost, low-cost, and other money-saving strategies. Smart choices can keep you comfortable without the need for huge investments. Start today, and you will soon see the difference in your energy usage and your energy bills.
Easy No-Cost Tips
Use some resources you already have to make an impact on your energy costs for the rest of the winter. Many of these tips can generally be used throughout the year as well.
- Open your drapes and let the sun naturally heat your home during the day. Remember to close your drapes and blinds once the sun changes positions or sets, to help block the cold air.
- Turn down your thermostat a few degrees, especially when you’re not home.
- Put on a sweater. Add warm layers of clothing to keep off the chill after you lower your thermostat.
- Use your space heater if only one room is being occupied. This is more efficient than heating the entire house.
Low-Cost Ways You Save
Some energy-saving strategies will require some expenditure, but are fortunately very affordable. For only a few dollars, you can reap energy savings each month. Change your air filter regularly. The amount you pay for new air filters depends on the type you buy, but changing them regularly will help your home’s heating system run more efficiently. Winterize your home by caulking and sealing the cracks around doors and windows to keep the cold air out and help you stay warmer inside.
Investing for Now and the Future
No one wants to think about high-cost expenses, but when you have no other option and you must replace your heat pump or other appliances, choose those that are Energy Star certified. Replace your heat pump with energy-efficient options, such as the Infinity 20 Heat Pump With Greenspeed Intelligence.
For more ways to reduce energy costs and still remain efficient, contact the professionals at Pruett Air Conditioning today at 478-953-4986 in Warner Robins, or 478-374-1481 in Eastman. Whether you need advice or service, our solutions work.
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