Heating & AC Maintenance
Just like your car, your home HVAC system is an expensive, complicated machine with a lot of moving parts that must work together to function at top performance. Regular preventative maintenance can keep that machine running better for longer than a unit that hasn’t been properly maintained.
With a Pruett Customer Care Plan, you can rest assured that we will regularly inspect, clean, and service your HVAC system. Our HVAC pros will let you know if there are any problems that need to be addressed before you find yourself suffering through a hot summer day or cold winter night without your heating and air conditioning system.
Why Choose a Customer Care Plan?
- Save on Energy Costs: Well-maintained, properly-cleaned HVAC systems are more energy efficient
- Ensure Peak Performance: Regular maintenance ensures that your system is always performing at its best and safest
- Extend Equipment Life: Your equipment will last longer and suffer fewer failures when it’s properly maintained

Protect Your Investment With a Customer Care Plan From Pruett
What Does a Customer Care Plan Include?
All Pruett Customer Care Plans include regularly-scheduled heating and AC maintenance visits, during which our technicians will complete a cleaning, servicing, and inspection checklist tailored to your specific equipment.
Typically, this process will include:
Heat Pumps & Condenser
- Thoroughly clean outdoor condenser coil for increased efficiency
- Lubricate all moving parts for extended life
- Remove any vegetation blocking airflow
- Check and tighten all electrical connections for safety
- Protect AC compressor by checking for excessive wear on contactor
- Make sure motors are not over-amping
- Check for proper thermostat function
- Check and clean/replace air filter
- Check that all control systems and wiring are functioning correctly
- Electronically check start/run capacitors
- Inspect blower wheel balance and condition
- Look for costly air leaks in ductwork
- Check temperature drop at evaporator coil
- Check refrigerant (Freon) service level
- Check and adjust super heat
- Check operation and amp draw on heat strips – Inspect heating elements
- Electronically check for environment-damaging refrigerant leaks
- Clean evaporator coil with EPS registered coil cleaner (kills fungus, mold, and viruses)
Gas Furnace
- Check blower motor bearings for wear
- Electronically check start/run capacitors (a common failure point)
- Remove and clean burners for maximum safety and efficiency
- Brush, clean, or vacuum heat exchanger
- Check heat exchanger for unsafe defects
- Check blower motor amp draw
- Inspect and clean blower wheel – oil blower motor
- Electronically check for Carbon Monoxide
- Check and adjust gas pressure for efficient burner operation
- Inspect flue pipe for any blockage
- Inspect thermocouple/hot surface ignition
- Electronically check for gas leaks
- Ensure proper thermostat operation
- Check for delayed ignition for safety
- Check and tighten all electrical connections
- Check and clean/replace air filter
- Electronically check temperature difference across evaporator coil
- Clean air inlets on indoor blower motor to run cooler
- Check all safety controls and limit switches
- Inspect duct work for costly air leaks